Alright! Along with football season we're kicking off the fall conference season! And there's a bunch of events on the horizon, so where should you get your boss to send you? Let's look at the choices:
IFAI Tradeshow and Symposium -- October 2007International Symposium on Wearable Computers -- October 2007The Fiber Society, Fall Technical Symposium -- October 2007Intertech Pira's 2007 Smart Textiles and Nanotextiles Conference -- December 2007There are others, but let's look at these to get a broad spectrum.
First is the IFAI Expo, with admission to the trade show and the technical symposiums (E-Textiles and Battlefield Textiles) for $429. This is easily the best bargain of the bunch. For only $429 you get a full day of talks and open access to all the exhibits and of course all the participants. Plus the diversity of the attendees ensures that you'll exchange business cards with someone you've never met.
Next the 2007 ISWC. I'd love to go to this one, but it's a bit expensive and in an expensive city. The upside to its hefty cost is that it is a totally different crowd than most conferences. It's certainly a more academic and theoretical audience vs. the normal corporate crowd. At roughly $800 (plus the cost of spending a couple days in Boston) you'd have to be heavily immersed in this technology to make it worth you while.
Then there's the Fiber Society's Fall Technical Meeting. Again a pretty expensive conference (~$800), but I think that this one is WELL worth it. The tough part is finding time to make all the talks of interest (as many overlap). Despite being largely academic, this will still have a great mix of industry, government, and academics. If you truly want to be at the front-edge of technology, this is the place to be. Granted, some of the talks and posters can be more science than technology, this is still the best place to spot what's on the horizon and see who's bringing it to the fore-front.
And lastly we have Intertech Pira's Smart Textiles and Nanotextiles Conference. To attend you'll only have to pay....$3039.87 (at today's exchange rate). Let's look at what you get for your $3k:
1) 3 days of "overview" talks;
2) Finger-food at 2 receptions, possibly an open bar;
3) Prague in December (~28 degrees - F)!

I understand that these guys have overheads to pay -- but you have to remember that some of us have actually held these confereces before and we know how much they cost. One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of us are either bootstrapping or have a "severely" limited travel budget. I plan on going to a couple of these, and I will review them as I attend.
Tell me if there are any conferences that I've missed!