Monday, August 13, 2007

OR Show = Eye Opening (revised)

So in walking the floor of the OR Show last week I was hoping to see a lot of cool products featuring smart-fabrics or some e-textiles...but there was very few to say the least. I saw a couple of jackets with iPod controllers, some PV bags, and one or two heating garments -- but that is all. Granted, this was the "summer" show so I would expect to see more at the "winter" show in January. However, in getting to talk to some of the companies it became clear that a lot still has to be done on the S&T side and manufacturability before the price points on these types of products can be lowered. Westcomb had a couple of iPod jackets with soft-shell configurations, but they were VERY expensive.
(upwards of $400!!...A more extensive review can be found here)

So here is my question: What will it take to bring down the price on these products? I'm thinking it isn't so much the electronics (although that is a big portion) as much it is the makeup of the garments they're integrated into (Gore, Event, etc) -- I believe the way the market stands now, only the high end pieces can absorb the added labor/materials involved in the electronics integration...

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